Customizing Order Status Text Messages

Customizing Order Status Text Messages


Now with Ordrslip’s redesigned Admin Dashboard, you can customize the verbiage in order confirmation text messages that your customers receive when they place orders with you.
Putting your own unique flair on the text messages that customers receive from you is now in your control!

How to customize order status text messages: 

  • Select Configuration

  • Select App Customization

  • Select Themes

  • Scroll down to the new “customize order status text messages” area 

  • Tap the blue edit button to get started

  • You have the ability to change 10 different text message’s verbiage, ranging from order confirmation texts all the way to canceled order’s text messages. Scroll through and find the text you want to edit and  type your customized verbiage.

  •  Once you are done don’t forget to hit the red “save changes” button when you are finished

Please be aware of the default text areas and messaging displayed at the top of the screen, where it has $ready_date, $contact and $ready_time already typed out in the default text messages. 

Those are system detected auto-generated variables. 

$ready_time will show the time that the order is scheduled for.

$ready_date will show the date that the order is scheduled for.

And $contact will show the phone number for the location the order was placed at.

If you choose to delete any of those variables or accidentally misspell them, then the customer will not receive system-detected automatic information about their orders. 

Either leave those variables where they are and edit around them, or be sure to copy and paste and add them again in your edited verbiage. 

If you happen to not like what you typed, or want to revert back to the default text, all you have to do is click the “reset to defaults” button in the top right corner. 

Below is a video that walks you through these steps.

If you have any questions about the new Admin Dashboard redesign,  reach out to our Customer Success team by emailing

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