

You asked for it, and we delivered (pun intended)!

Ordrslip offers several integrations, like delivery for your mobile app to give your customers the option to enjoy your amazing food without having to ever leave the comfort of their home.

Choose from In-House Delivery facilitated by your staff, or third-party delivery if you'd like.

If you want to learn about your delivery options then this article is for you! 

In-House Delivery

Start in the Ordrslip Admin Dashboard

To set up In-House Delivery you will click: 
Select the location(s) you want to set this feature up for 
Scroll down until you see the Enable/Disable In-House Delivery field

Toggle ON the grey disabled button, once enabled the grey button will turn green 
Then click the blue Edit button 

Set the configuration settings for your location(s)
You will be editing the settings for the following connected locations. You can choose to edit the current location, update all connected locations, or use the settings from a different location. 

Set your Delivery Area
    Deliver to your block, maybe to your neighborhood, or your entire city. Only customers within this radius will be able to order for delivery.

Set a Minimum Subtotal (if you have one)
   If you want to set a specific amount that customers need to meet in order to place an order for delivery, specify that here. 

Once you are done, click the save changes button. 

What This Looks Like In Your App

After adding Delivery to your app, your app users will have an updated home screen when they open your app.
The user will be able to select Pickup or Delivery as options before they place an order.

They Select A Delivery Destination

When placing a location for the delivery customers can search for an address, or select their current location.

They order as usual, adding items to the cart and at checkout they confirm their order.

Delivery Order Summary

The last screen they see confirms the delivery address is correct and they can place their order.

Test This Out

After setting up this integration, a good way to make yourself prepared for incoming In-House Delivery orders is to place a FUTURE Delivery order. You can compare how an In-House Delivery order looks by Pickup orders. By doing this you can watch the order come in, and see how you would mark it as ready and complete. If you are prepared, you can refund the order. 

Third-Party Delivery

If In-House Delivery isn't right for you, that's ok! Ordrslip offers third-party integrations that allow you to offer delivery without needing the staffing or infrastructure to do so.

Start in the Ordrslip Admin Dashboard

To set up third-party Delivery you will click: 
DoorDash (Postmates will eventually become Uber, but for now it is inactive)
Click the appropriate link to sign up. There are signup links for US and CA clients
      You are entering into an agreement with DoorDash and Ordrslip. 
      Ordrslip is partnered with DoorDash and offers lower partner pricing as a result
      Follow the prompts in the signup and once you are finished, you can set this up for your app

After signup is complete, click the Add New button 

Type the business name you used in your signup with DoorDash 

Set your delivery fee, you can see DoorDash's explanation of their pricing above this section
      You can pass off as little or as much of their fee to your customers. 
      Any remaining balance would be paid by your restaurant

Set a Minimum Subtotal, if you have one, you can set it here. 
      Orders that do not meet your min. subtotal threshold, they will not be able to order until they do

Select your location that you put on your contract and then click the red Save Changes button. 
        Note: Each location you have (if you have multiple) will need to have their own DoorDash contract

Test This Out

After setting up this integration, a good way to make yourself prepared for incoming DoorDash orders is to place a FUTURE Delivery order. By doing this you can watch the order come in, and see how you would mark it as ready and complete. Finally you can refund the order, and a delivery driver is NOT dispatched by placing a future order. 

Receiving Delivery Orders

Your delivery orders, whether In-House or third-party, will come in just like the rest of your mobile orders. This will depend on your specific set up. You will either be receiving your mobile orders: 

  1. On a separate tablet running Ordrslip Fulfillment Kiosk (OFK)

  2. On your Square POS directly 

If you have any questions about setting up delivery integrations for your mobile app, please reach out to our support team at 
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