Marketing 101

Marketing 101

Here are some ways to let your customers know about your new app


Add a note on your receipts to get the word out quickly.


Window clings

Every walk-in customer passes through  your doorway –  show off your new app with signage.


Table tents

Table tents (provided) are a great way to let your patrons know about your new app. Set them out!


Flyer insert

Include a note with your restaurant’s to-go orders with instructions on how to download the app. We can create a digital flyer for you to print and hand out if you need help. Just ask us!



Place a button on your website letting visitors know to download your new app.

Social Media

Make sure you are posting on all of your social media platforms that you now have an app. Sharing posts on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, etc. that let customers know about your new app and any promotions you may be running are crucial in gaining exposure and app users. Please reach out to us if you need help with this.  When your app goes live we provide 2 social media graphics free of charge, if you aren't using these or if you have lost yours reach out and let us know. 

Email Campaigns

You have customer data stored in your POS, accessing it and sending out an email directly to them is such an easy way to communicate with your customers. If you are a Square customer you may already pay for Square Marketing. If you do, you should send an email to all of your email subscribers letting them know that you have an app and attach a link to download it. If you are not signed up for this, or if you aren't a Square user, that's ok! We can help direct you in your POS where to get this data and can help create and send out a campaign for you. Just ask us! 

Employee Training

An important part of your app's success lies with your employees. If they are not actively communicating with customers who come in and are not using the app, it is their job to direct them to download it. This is where it is important to have signage displayed that make it as easy as possible to download your app.  QR codes on those signs when scanned that direct customers to download directly are very effective. Ordrslip provides this for you, if you are not utilizing this or need help please ask us.  Employees should be making customers aware how to download your app and why they should. Examples of the benefits of using your app might be saving time, skipping the line, special promotions, rewards set up for your app, curbside pickup etc. 

Friends & Family

Your friends and family are your restaurant’s biggest fans. Ask them to use your new app!


Make The ask

Don’t be shy. Ask customers to review your restaurant’s new app on the Apple and Google Play stores.


Voicemail Greetings

Record a greeting telling your customers about your new app. Make sure to not accept phone orders if you did in the past after your app goes live. The point of having an app is to make ordering easier and you don't need to spend time on the phone taking orders.  Having a voicemail greeting that tells customers to go download your app and order ahead is a great way to educate them on your new and improved ordering process. 


If you need help marketing your app, please email Ordrslip's support team at
They will help get you the materials you need and offer a free support kit to boost app awareness and orders. 
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