Ordrslip's Admin Dashboard Was Redesigned

Ordrslip's Admin Dashboard Was Redesigned

Big changes are here!

We are excited to announce that Ordrslip’s Admin Dashboard’s redesign is now LIVE!
It looks fantastic and will make your life so much easier!

Login and take a look at the new Ordrslip Admin Dashboard and see all of its changes.

New features include:
  • Push notifications
    • Please allow 1-2 weeks of customers using the newest app version (4.0.0) after this feature launches before you send any push notifications out.
  • Timed promo codes
  • Automatic sales for your whole menu
  • The ability to edit your user information
  • Reset your password
  • Rearrange your modifier lists 
  • Set minimums & maximums for your modifier lists 
  • Create customized order status text messages
  • Manually adjust customer punch cards/ square loyalty balances

Checkout the quick overview video below of these new changes and features below!

We hope you love it as much as we do!

If you have any questions about the new Admin Dashboard redesign,  reach out to our Customer Success team by emailing support@ordrslip.com.
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