How To Create Promo Codes

How To Create Promo Codes

Ordrslip’s Admin Dashboard has a variety of tools that help make your app successful and one of those the promo codes option!

Steps to create promo codes: 

  • Select Marketing
  • Select Promotions
  • Select Promo Codes
  • Tap the red +Add New button    
  • Create an internal name for your promo
  • Create the promo code that customers will type at checkout

  • After that, you will have several choices to choose from:
    • Set an expiration date (if you have one) or choose to never have the code expire
    • Choose how to promo code can be redeemed, whether it is by any number of customers, a certain number of customers, or only selected customers
      • Any number of customers means that anyone will be able to use this promo code
      • Only a certain number of customers means that you will manually type the number of customers that can redeem this code. Whether that is 5, 10, 15+ customers.
      • Only selected customers means that you will type the customer's name, then they will appear for you to manually select and apply this promo code to. This would need to be done individually each time.

  1.      Select the number of times a single customer can redeem your promo code
    1. Unlimited redemptions means this can be reused over and over
    2. Only a certain amount of redemptions means that you can type 1, 2, 3, etc. and the code can only be used/re-used that many times.               
This area especially important if you want a promo code to be redeemed only once.                                                                                                
If this is your goal, make sure to set the value to 1 and make sure the  "Only a certain number of redemptions" box is selected

  1. Configure your discount options
    1. Flat Amount (choose to offer a specific dollar amount as a discount)
    2. Percentage  (choose to offer a set percentage as a discount)
  1. Choose how the discount applies
    1. The entire order
    2. All items in a certain category
    3. Specific item(s) 
            If you choose the entire order, your promo code will apply to entire orders that customers place.
            If you choose items in a certain category, then that whole category will have the discount you create applied
            If you choose to have specific items discounted, then your whole menu appears and you can scroll through and select the appropriate items

  1. Choose the location (if there are multiple) that this is going to be active at
  1. Then, choose the promo code availability
    1. Anytime (any day, any hour)
    2. Custom  (customize the days and/or times this can be active)
            By selecting anytime, your code will run 24/7 and will always be active.
            If you choose the custom option, you will then be able to select the day(s) and/or time(s) that your promo code will be active.
            It will not work outside of the day(s) or time(s) that you set. 

  • Click the red SAVE Changes button when you are done

Are you trying to create time specific promo codes? 
Read this article to get step-by-step instructions to create them. 

If you have any questions reach out to our Customer Success team by emailing

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