Setting Your Hours

Setting Your Hours

If you are new to Ordrslip, or have been with us for a while and need a refresher course on setting hours for your app this article is for you! 

There are 3 different types of hours your app can have
  1. Store Hours
  2. Pickup Hours
  3. Delivery Hours

Store Hours 

Store hours are meant to let customers know the hours that your business is open. They may differ from pickup or delivery hours. 
To set these up you will click: 
Configuration - > Locations - > Select the location (if multiple) you want to edit and scroll down

Once you see Store Hours click Edit

Set your Store Hours and click Save Changes when you are done 

Pickup Hours

You will set these in the same area as Store Hours, if your Pickup Hours differ from your Store Hours.
If you need a 15 minute buffer before opening and closing, this allows you to get that. 
Click Edit by Pickup Hours 

Choose your Pickup Hours and click Save Changes when you are done

Delivery Hours (if enabled) 

Set your delivery hours for your location by clicking Edit 

Set your Delivery Hours and click Save Changes when you are finished

Test It Out

After setting your hours, head to your app and check to make sure your location's hours appear correctly. 

From the main screen you will click the Locations icon - > Select your location - > Press the info icon 

If you have any questions, please email our support team at

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