Setting Wait Times

Setting Wait Times

Wait time is the estimated number of minutes a customer is told their order will take to prepare. 
Wait times are an important part of your app's success. Customers expect your wait time to be dialed in and accurate.  
Luckily, you can change your wait time formula any time that you need to in the Ordrslip Admin Dashboard. Nothing is ever set in stone, and you can always increase or decrease your wait time formula. 

To Adjust Your Wait Time:

Click Configuration
Click Locations
Select your location 
Scroll down and you'll see the wait time area 
Click Edit

From there you'll see four options, you do not need to fill all of these fields out
  1. Pickup Base Time
  2. Delivery Base Time
  3. Per Order Time
  4. Per Item Time

If you want to keep it simple, just set a base wait time for pickup and delivery (if you have delivery enabled). 
If you want to take it a step further and have a more customized wait time, consider adding wait times for items. 
Once you set your parameters, click the red save changes button.

Setting a Per Item Wait Time Explained 

You have the ability to include items [items in current order] in your wait time formula.

Each item that is ordered is also going to be assigned its own time within the current order, if you want this option.

The calculation for items is going to be: 
[base wait time] +
( [per order wait time] * [ orders ahead in queue ] ) +
( [per item wait time] * [ items ahead in queue + 
items in current order ] )

Need an example of how this will work? Below are some example times for your location.

Base Time: 5 min
Per Order Time: 0 min
Per Item Time: 2 min

Scenario 1

Your first order of the day comes in with a single item.
[5] + ( [0] * [0] ) + ( [2] * [0+
1] )
5 + 0 + 2 = 7
The wait time for this first order will be: 7 mins

Scenario 2

Your 2nd order comes in immediately after your first order, with 2 items in the order.

[5] + ( [0] * [1] ) + ( [2] * [1+2] )
5 + 0 + 6 = 11
The wait time for this second order will be: 11 mins

The more items your customers order, the longer it will take for you to complete their order.

This updated formula will help with all your orders.

Note: In most cases, you won’t have to use all three options at the same time.

This update allows you to use either the order wait time or the item wait time, whichever is best for your location.

If you need assistance in creating the best wait time formula for your app, please reach out to our Customer Success team at

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