Admin Dashboard Overview with Clover

Admin Dashboard Overview with Clover

Important Clover Differences To Note

Clover integrates smoothly with Ordrslip, but it is different enough from our other integrated partner, Square, and deserves its own dedicated article. We will cover the key things to remember when using Clover with Ordrslip that will make maintaining your app a little different from Square users. 

Below are the key things to keep in mind:

Clover Users Always Need A Separate Tablet For Mobile Orders

Due to Clover's limitations, you will need to make sure that you are using a tablet that has Ordrslip Fulfillment Kiosk
installed to receive your mobile orders.
This article talks about that process. 

Sync in the Admin Dashboard When Changes Are Made

Whenever changes are made in your Clover POS, like a price change, a new item is added, an item is removed, or your information changes. You must always remember to come to the Ordrslip Admin Dashboard and press SYNC button in the bottom left corner. 

This is how Ordrslip communicates with your POS. It does not happen automatically, and if you make changes to your menu, whether they are minor, orders will fail when your app communicates with your POS.  You will know the sync is complete when the sync button turns green and says "sync successful". 

This is not a Clover specific issue, all clients need to do this and it is an important reminder.

Clover Doesn't Support Images

With Ordrslip You Can Add a Category Image Or Item Image

Clover does not have the capability to attach images to items OR categories. One way to ensure that your app looks professional and complete is to add images. If you want your app to show images with the categories, you’ll need to add them in the Ordrslip Admin Dashboard. Navigate to Configurations, then Catalog/Item Library.

For Categories click Categories then click Edit next to the category you want to add an image for.
Click the blue Choose A File button to add your image. Your image will then appear as a preview
Once you have done this, click Save Changes at the bottom
Search for the If you want to add or change an existing image, click on Edit, then Change Image.
Make sure your image dimensions are 1120×480 pixels.
Click Save, and now your category has an image that will show in your app.
After doing these steps, check your app to see how your image(s) look. 

For Items click Catalog/Item Library, then Items and search for your item(s) and click Edit
The process is the same as it was for categories, click the Choose A File button, add your image and click Save Changes when you are done 

Note: Item images are rectangular images and Category images are rectangular images. Try to choose images to those proportions and provided sizes for the best results. 

If you are having difficulty doing this, you can always talk to support or email images to them. You can reach them at

Clover Doesn't Support Descriptions

With Ordrslip You Can Add Item Descriptions

Clover does not allow you to add descriptions to your items. But you can with Ordrslip! 
When customers are browsing through your app, they can seen whatever you write about each item. To do this, you can add a description in the Items section of the Ordrslip Admin Dashboard
Click Configuration - > Catalog/Item Library - > Items - > Edit on the items you want to add a description for 
Click Save Changes when you are done

If you have any questions, please reach out to our support team at
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