How To Test Your App Before It's Live

How To Test Your App Before It's Live


When you have a version of your app to test, whether that is Android, iOS or both you will want to follow this checklist. By working your way through this checklist, it ensures your app is correct and will operate as you intend. This guarantees the smoothest experience for you and your customers. 

This checklist will walk you through how to check your app for functionality and accuracy. It will also walk you through how you will receive orders so you are prepared when your app is LIVE!


    • Download your app on the available platforms; iOS, and/or Android.

    • Check for typos throughout your app (in categories, items, location, etc.)

    • Check for pricing errors, or missing prices ($0)

    • Are items categorized correctly? If not, assign them in your POS and sync in Admin Dash

    • Is the order of categories that displays on the main menu screen ok? The default is to display alphabetically. If you want something else, please tell your onboarding specialist. 

    • Are your taxes displaying, are they correct?

    • Are your modifiers (if applicable) assigned properly and functioning correctly? If any minimums or maximums need to be set, read this article to learn how to do this.

    • Is your location/ restaurant info correct? Check the address, phone number, websites and socials that are listed in the info section of your app. If they are not, change that info in your POS and sync in Admin Dash.

    • Is your wait time configured properly when you try to order? If not, go to Admin Dash and configure it. Locations-> Wait base time.

Place Test Orders

Placing test orders ensures that you are prepared to receive mobile orders and also educates you on the process customers will go through to place orders on your app. If you notice anything that needs to be adjusted, this is an ideal time to see corrections and adjust where necessary before your app goes live. 

Things to note when receiving test orders: 

    • As you place a test order(s) be prepared to check your set up and how you will receive orders. You will either use:

      • A separate tablet using Ordrslip Kiosk if you are a Clover user

      • Your Square POS. 

    • Once an order comes in make sure you interact with that order. In Square, marking the order as “picked up” sends a text to customers letting them know their order is ready for pickup. If you don't do this, they don't receive this text.

    • In Ordrslip Kiosk, you will mark an order as “ready” which then notifies a customer their order is ready for pickup or delivery. 

    • If you use Ordrslip Fulfillment Kiosk, you may want to have your orders printed, the setup article talks about this and walks you through it. If this is something you have done, make sure you have your printer all set up and verify that orders print out correctly.

    • Once orders are "picked up" mark them as complete. This generates a final text to customers asking for their feedback. This also resets your wait time queue. (If you do not have auto-complete enabled).

    • REFUND your test orders. If you use Square, refund directly in your Square Dashboard. If you are on Clover, refund directly in your Clover Dashboard. If you are using Ordrslip Kiosk, refund within that order in the Ordrslip Kiosk app.

    • Download links for Ordrslip Fulfillment Kiosk are below, if needed.

Use Your App Like A Customer:

    • Add items to the cart. Making sure that as you are selecting items to “purchase” they  behave properly. Not being able to select items without prices, or selecting more than one of a modifier if there are those restrictions in place.

    • If you have promo codes, add them and make sure they apply correctly.


    • Watch the automatic order confirmation text come in.

    • When orders are marked as "ready" by your staff, customers get a second text letting them know they can pickup their order.

    1. Be sure to reach out to your Onboarding Specialist for help if you have any questions.

    2. We are excited to launch your app!


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