Creating Holiday Hours

Creating Holiday Hours

When the holidays approach, they approach fast. It’s important to let your customers know of any limited availability in your mobile app. In the Ordrslip Admin Dashboard you can create holiday hours that will appear in your app and make operations as smooth as possible.  This will walk you through started setting this up. 

What are Holiday Hours?

For clarification, Holiday Hours is a feature that allows you to override your regular ordering and store hours for specific a date and time. This saves you the hassle of having to restructure your original hours and can be set individually to each location.

Holiday Hour Set-Up!

To get started let’s jump into the Ordrslip Admin Dashboard.

Click on Configuration - > Locations - > Choose the location that your need to set hours at and scroll down.
Once you get to the Holiday Hours area, you will click Edit to get started.

You can then name the holiday (this name will be visible to your customers) 
Choose the date for the holiday
Select if you are open for special hours, or whether you are closed completely. 

Once you have made your selections, click the red save changes button and you are done!

Best Practices

We know the holidays can be a busy time, so here are a few best practices for setting up your holiday hours.

1. Make sure you’re getting the most out of your holiday hours, and set them as soon as you know what your store’s availability will be during those times.

2. It’s a good idea to let your customers know in advance that your store will have special holiday hours, you can do this by creating a simple pop-up message or sending SMS messages or Push Notifications (for app users only) directly to your customers to make sure they are aware. 

If you have any questions, email our support team at

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