Online Ordering Troubleshooting Guide
If you are in the process of completing your self set-up Online Ordering site, this guide will answer the most common issues you may run into, and will instruct you on how to correct your problems.
I Don't Know What My Online Ordering Site Is
Your Online Ordering site will be the name of your restaurant, with dashes in between each word in name of your business (if there is more than one word) followed by
Here is an example, if the account your created with Ordrslip is called The Pizza Palace then your Online Ordering site will be
If you are having issues with pulling up your site, please email and a member of our team can assist you.
This could be a result of a couple of things:
-You do not have pickup enabled
Click Configuration - > Locations > Select your location - > At the very top you'll see "Enable/Disable Mobile Ordering".
Make sure that button is toggled ON and is green
My Taxes Are Wrong
All of the information that gets displayed on your Online Ordering Site comes directly from your POS.
So whatever is typed, gets displayed.
Taxes are no exception to that rule.
Taxes will apply however they are specified in your POS.
To change your taxes in Square, login to your Square Dashboard
Click Settings
Then click on Account & Settings
Then click on Business Information
Then click on Sales taxes
Click on the tax rate you want to edit
Or, click Create Tax (if you don't have any created) and create one
Change the tax name that displays (this will appear on your app)
Type the tax rate
The click the blue Save button
Head back to the
Ordrslip Admin Dashboard and click the SYNC POS button in the bottom left corner to bring over those changes
I Don't See My Items Or Categories
That is because they are most likely disabled.
pressing the SYNC button, or selecting to have Auto-Sync enabled.
To check this you will click:
Configuration - > Catalog/Item Library - > Categories (if categories are not appearing) or Items (if items are not appearing)
If your whole library of items (50+ items) are disabled, please email and they can mass enable your whole library, making them visible on your Online Ordering site. You will notice all items say disabled in red when viewing your item library. You can manually enable each one by clicking Edit and toggling on it's availability, but if your whole library is disabled, it is best to email us so we can make that switch for you quickly.
If a few of your items are disabled, you will click the EDIT button, then scroll down and turn on (toggle will turn green) it's availability.
If categories are disabled, click EDIT and then turn on it's availability (toggle will turn green)
How Do I Remove Items From My Online Ordering Site
If there are items you don't want to be visible at all you can follow the above steps to enable items, but toggle OFF it's availability.
You can choose to have the item appear in the app, or mark it out of stock (meaning it would display on your site as out of stock)
If you toggle OFF the global availability, that item will not appear at all on your site.
This means that your customers will not see the item at all on your site.
If you toggle OFF the In-stock button but leave the displayed in-app button toggled ON then the item would appear, but it would have a red "out-of-stock" label by it. Meaning your customers will see it, but will be unable to order it.
If you have multiple locations, you can choose which location you want an item to be displayed at, either out of stock, or remove it completely from visibility at those specific locations using the outlined toggle functions.
Still Have Questions?
You can always email our support team at, someone from our team will respond to your email within 48 hours.