This checklist will explain how to check your online ordering site for functionality and accuracy.
It will also walk you through the order life cycle: how you place orders, how you receive them, and how you complete them. This ensures that you are prepared when it is time for you to share and promote your site to the public.
Check for pricing errors, or missing prices.
Are items assigned to the correct categorizes? If not, assign them in your POS and sync in Admin Dash once you are finished.
Do you like the order of categories that displays on the main menu? By default categories will display in alphabetical order.
If you want your categories displayed in a specific order, other than alphabetical Head to the Ordrslip Admin Dash click Configuration - > Catalog/Item Library - > Menus - > Select Edit by your menu - > your categories will be displayed, drag and drop them in the order you want them to display in.
Are your taxes displaying, and are they correct? If not, change them in your POS and click the sync button in the Ordrslip Admin Dash to bring over those changes.
Are your modifiers (if applicable) assigned properly and functioning correctly? If any minimums or maximums need to be set, this article explains how to assign them. For example, if you only want a customer to be able to choose one topping, then you would need to set the “topping” modifier to have a min. of 1 and a max of 1.
Is your location/ restaurant info correct? Check the address, phone number, websites and socials that are listed in the info section of your app. If anything is incorrect, change that info in your POS and sync in Admin Dash when finished.
Make sure that you have set a wait time, and that your wait time is correct when you try to order. If it is not set, or if you need to make changes, you will go to Ordrslip Admin Dash and configure it or adjust it. Click Configuration - > Locations-> Scroll down to Wait Time and click Edit.
Add items to the cart. Making sure that as you are selecting items to “purchase” they behave properly. Not being able to select items without prices, or selecting more than one of a modifier if there are those restrictions in place.
If you have a promo code that you have set up, test it. Make sure it applies correctly. We highly recommend creating an initial promo to encourage customers to order from your platform. Please do not skip this step!
As you place a test order(s) be prepared and set up to receive them. Either with a separate tablet using: (A) Ordrslip Kiosk ifPOS or (B) through your Square POS.
Did you receive the test order?
Did the order print correctly? (Applicable for Square POS with set up printers)
Once an order comes in make sure you interact with that order. In Square, marking the order as “picked up” sends a text to customers letting them know their order is ready for pickup. It is crucial not to miss this step!
Repeat the test order and confirm that customers (you) receive that text.
In Ordrslip Kiosk, you will mark an order as “ready” which then notifies a customer their order is ready for pickup or delivery.
Mark Orders as complete in your Square POS or Ordrslip Kiosk, depending on what you use once the customer has “picked up” their order.
REFUND your test orders. If you use Square, refund directly in your Square Dashboard. If you are using Ordrslip Kiosk, refund within that order in the Ordrslip Kiosk app.
Search our Knowledge Base for helpful tips or answers to your questions.
You can always reach out to our CS team for additional help by emailing, they will respond within 48 hours.
Thanks for being a part of Ordrslip!