5 Steps For Adding Additional Locations

5 Steps For Adding Additional Locations

If you are thinking about adding more locations to your app, that is great news!
Once you have spoken with our Sales department and have signed your contract, someone from our Support team will have reached out to you to get billing setup. 

After all of those steps are complete, you can launch your new location in your app as soon as you are ready.

This article will walk you through the few things you will need to do on your end to push your location live. 

Step 1. Create Your Location In Your POS

Make sure your location is listed in your POS (if this isn't already done)

In Square you will click:
Settings -> Account & Settings - > Business Information - > Locations - > Create  Location

Step 2. Add Your New Location To Your Menu      

In your POS make sure that you assign your location to the appropriate items, categories and menus. 

If you location has a specific menu, create it and assign the correct items.

Step 3. Sync In The Ordrslip Admin Dashboard

Login to the Ordslip Admin Dashboard and clicking the SYNC button will bring over the new changes you have made for your new location.

Step 4. Add Your New Location To Your Menu 

Click Configuration - > Catalog/Item Library - > Menus - > Edit 

Once you select Edit for the menu in your app, you will scroll down and add your new location to be visible in that menu. 

Then scroll down and use the search bar to type your new location 
Once it pops up, select it and click Save Changes

Now your new location is added to your menu! 

Step 5. Set Your Location's Parameters

You will want to set up:

  1. Store Hours 
  2. Pickup Hours
  3. Delivery Hours (if enabled)
  4. A Base Wait Time 
  5. Pickup Integration (make sure the enable/disable mobile ordering is ON and Enable/Disable Pickup and Set Pickup Hours is ON) 
  6. Curbside (optional) 
  7. Delivery (optional) 
Below is what you should see when all of your integrations are set up 

Test It Out 

Once you have completed the 5 steps above, check your app. 

Make sure you see your new location from the list of locations when you click pickup or delivery
Double check that your new location has a menu displayed.
Place a test order.

If you encounter any errors in this process, it is because one of the 5 steps above was not completed. 

If you are still having trouble, please email support@ordrslip.com and they will help you out. 

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